28 de maig de 2024

Acollim estudiants universitaris d’Holanda

Durant els mesos d'abril i maig hem acollit al Sant Ignasi un grup d'alumnes universitaris de la Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (Holanda), que han dut a terme unes pràctiques del seu grau d’Implementació de Projectes internacionals.


Els estudiants holandesos ens expliquen la seva experiència al Sant Ignasi:

We are Katya, Bart, Siyana, Charlotte, and Matthijs – a project group from Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and Cibap Vocational School. 

We came to Barcelona to work on a project commissioned by Pieter Temminck from Zone College – one of the schools that is part of the SILC network. This network consists of Zone College in the Netherlands, Sant Ignasi in Barcelona, Transylvania College in Romania and Hoys College in Uganda. 

The aims of this project are to co-create a programme for Global Citizenship Education (GCE). This means that the team’s goals were to determine how the lessons of certain subjects can be adapted to integrate this philosophy into their teaching. In other words, our task was to start identifying who is doing what within the SILC network, with who, and how? 

During our time in Barcelona, we met with a number of staff members and students, who were willing to discuss GCE with us. In particular, we met with some English and Biology teachers, and a member of the school’s eco-commission. These meetings allowed us to understand what GCE currently looks like in Sant Ignasi. By achieving this understanding and discussing future opportunities for integrating global citizenship into the curriculum, we hope to identify ways in which Sant Ignasi could collaborate with Zone College to provide students with new and engaging learning activities, to develop their sense of global citizenship. 

Alongside this mission, the team is conducting personal research to achieve our project objectives, which will be briefly described below. 

Overall, the team has really enjoyed these past two months, during which we got the opportunity to explore a new city and connect to a variety of people who taught us a lot.