February 28th, 2025

We're celebrating Carnival!

Last week, Carnival, the King of the 'Scatterbrained', came to see the children in Early Childhood and Primary and gave them a message with different instructions for each day of the week.


This year in Early Childhood we've drawn up the instructions in the school which have varied across the five years to adapt to the children's ages and needs.

In Initial Primary Years, King Carnival gave us these instructions:

  • Monday: “dress in your pyjamas bright and early in the morning.”
  • Tuesday: “wear a mask and give everyone a surprise.”
  • Wednesday: “you can come dressed in your favourite colour!”
  • Thursday: "turn up at school dressed inside out."
  • Friday: "wear a circus costume to school and have fun on Friday."

Meanwhile, in 5th and 6th NEI the instructions and themes were agreed at a meeting of delegates after gathering ideas in each of the class groups.

Today, Friday, the children in Early Childhood and Primary School have celebrated Carnival by dressing up, singing, dancing, having a parade and eating cake.

In Early Childhood, we wore costumes to do with the sea. The theme of the costumes in Initial Primary Years was the circus, while in 5th and 6th the children jointly chose films.

Here are some pictures showing how much fun we had on the day!