Work with the Jesuit Education Foundation

Work with us

Join Jesuïtes Educació!

Do you have an educational vocation? Do you share our values? Do you want to be part of an innovative team in education?

We are looking for professionals who are talented, competent, aware, compassionate and committed to our mission and the transformative educational project of Jesuit Education. If you are a motivated person, excited and eager to contribute the best of yourself, this is your place!

Why Jesuïtes Educació?

Continuing training

Our schools focus on the personal development of students and all professionals. We help you enhance your skills with training and innovation programmes throughout the year.

Treballa amb nosaltres a les escoles de la xarxa de Jesuites Educacio

Work in a network

Collaboration among professionals enables us to progress and encourages educational innovation. Join our transformative mission and you will be part of schools with teams who are passionate about education.

Treballa amb nosaltres a les escoles Jesuites Educacio

Professional career

Join an international educational network and develop your career in the education sector. From our schools, we work on training for the professional development of educators and provide tools for innovation.

Join us and be part of a project for professional and personal growth!

Choose your field

You can transform education and be part of the Jesuit team as an educator, monitor or member of the management team. Sign up for our offers and leave your CV:

Captura de pantalla del vídeo de Nous Educadors de Jesuïtes Educació


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