The Ignatian pedagogical paradigm of the Jesuit Education Foundation

The aim of the Ignatian pedagogical paradigm is to teach how to live, teach how to think and teach how to learn.

Ignatian pedagogical paradigm

The paradigm, in five steps

Our educational project stems from Ignatian pedagogy; a model that emphasizes innovation and the integration of the personal and academic aspects of education. It is built on five steps:

Personalized education

Builds an educational experience adapted to the context and personal situation of each person.

Innovation in education

Promotes teaching and training initiatives through various methods. Transforms all experiences into opportunities for cognitive, psychomotor, affective or imaginative learning.

Reflective involvement

Prompts student participation in a process of reflection so that they understand the importance and meaning of what they are learning.

Forward-looking approach

Drives a profound evolution in students towards personal growth and competency in new situations.

Integrative education

Fosters a training model that combines personal and academic improvement with monitoring and assessment of all aspects involved in learning.