June 20th, 2024

The amusement park

At present, with new technologies, we can virtually visit theatres, see different shows and attend museum exhibitions, all directly from our sofa. It's even possible to visit theme parks from school!

At the end of the project "The amusement park", the pupils of 3rd year Lower Primary 3 took a virtual ride on the world's most amazing roller coasters. They had an amazing time with hairpin turns and sudden loops!

acte logo

Many thanks to the kindness of ACTEwho lent us their case of virtual glasses.

In this project we propose to our 3rd Year Primary students the challenge of presenting improvements for the Tibidabo Amusement Park. The children have to design and build, as a team, a model of an original attraction using the simple machines to be presented in the Parc del Tibidabo in Barcelona. This challenge involves the pupils searching for information, reading about the main simple machines and collecting material in order to create the model of the attraction.

In this way, the 3rd year children become engineers and specialised technicians for a specific period of time. The attraction designed should incorporate the proper functioning of a single machine or more than one.

This project encourages pupils' creativity as well as their manual skills to create the different simple machines.