3D, Games and Interactive Environments Advanced Vocational Education and Training students are getting ready to move forward in their learning. This week they came into contact with augmented reality headsets for the first time. The devices are turned on and the first digital images merge with the real world.
Lluís Grifé, a specialist in the subject, guides them through this process of technological immersion, encouraging them to explore the possibilities of augmented reality.
As the students begin to try out the equipment, they grasp the challenges and opportunities of this technology. Optimising models, user interaction and integration with other devices are all exciting challenges. However, one thing is clear: this is just the start of a journey that will lead them to redefine the way we interact with the digital world.
With their headsets on and their creativity up and running, the future professionals of the industry are all set to revolutionise the world of 3D and interactive games.