New academic itineraries for Audiovisual students
Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi has entered into a new partnership with TECNOCAMPUS MATARÓ-MARESME to provide enhanced academic pathways for our students in audiovisual training cycles.
This collaboration offers students from higher degree programs such as 3D Animation, Games and Interactive Environments; Lighting, Image Capture and Processing; Audiovisual and Show Production; and Audiovisual and Show Project Production, the opportunity to pursue further university education under favourable conditions at the well-regarded TecnoCampus.
Key Aspects of Our Collaboration Include:
· Higher level training cycle (CFGS): 3D ANIMATION, GAMES AND INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS (LOE) - Recognition of 52 ECTS credits.
· Higher level training cycle (CFGS): LIGHTING, IMAGE CAPTURE AND PROCESSING (LOE) - Recognition of 52 ECTS credits
· Higher level training cycle (CFGS): PRODUCTION OF AUDIOVISUALS AND SHOWS (LOE) Recognition of 44 ECTS credits.
· Higher level training cycle (CFGS): Production of audiovisual and entertainment projects (LOE) Recognition of 50 ECTS credits.
· Higher level training cycle (CFGS): 3D ANIMATION, GAMES AND INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS (LOE) Recognition of 34 ECTS credits.