June 14th, 2024

ARRUPE AWARDS, a recognition of different talents.

The Parents' Association of Sant Ignasi, together with the school, have created the ARRUPE Awards with the aim of recognising the different talents of pupils in the Early Primary (from 1st to 4th Primary), the New Intermediate Stage (from 5th Primary to 2nd Lower Secondary) and the TQE (3rd and 4th Lower Secondary), beyond the purely academic.

These awards recognise a number of pupils at each of the above stages.

premis arrupe - sant ignasi - ampa

The pupils and/or the team of educators from the different educational stages have been in charge of choosing their prize-winning pupils.

In Lower Primary, the pupils' creativity has been recognised in one of the projects carried out during the year: in 1st year, the invention of the best game was recognised as part of the One, two, three, rock, paper, scissors project; In 2nd year, the best awareness-raising campaign as part of the "Treasure of Water" project. In 3rd year, the creation of the best model within the framework of the Amusement Park project. And in 4th year, the best school improvement proposal as part of the Children's City project.

In all the New Intermediate Years, peer and school participation has been recognised, and in the 3rd and 4th year Lower Secondary, initiative and community collaboration have been acknowledged.

You can view the list of awarded students here.

Last Thursday, 13th June, in the school's Assembly Hall, the prize-giving ceremony took place with the attendance of the school's directors and pedagogical directors, representatives of the Parents' Association and the awarded pupils and their families.

Congratulations to all the winners!