July 8th, 2024

We share the magazine A una!

The end of the course has arrived. Summer awaits us and then we meet again to start a new course, a new adventure.

Making a summary of an entire course in a few pages is a Homeric and unattainable task, since, thank God, hundreds of activities are carried out and celebrated at Sant Ignasi at the end of the course. We collect some from each of the stages, as a sample of everything received, with recognition for the people who have accompanied us in our growth.

And it is on this recognition that we wanted to focus this issue of our magazine. A magazine to thank. Gratitude as a basic attitude in life and in an Ignatian key is being aware of everything I receive in my daily life. If we now look back and make the film of the course, we will find scenes of all kinds and experiences that have affected us in different ways. Grateful for the welcome and for a course full of positive growth.

The next course more and with renewed strength.