Sarrià —
Today, November 22, in Kindergarten and Primary, we are celebrating Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music and musicians, where all the...
Sarrià —
Today, November 21 , a call was issued for students interested in pursuing further education at Jesuit universities: ESADE, IQS, Comillas...
Sarrià —
From 6 to November10, a group of 20 students from 1st ESO-NEI, accompanied by their two form teachers, participated in the Erasmus + exch...
Sarrià —
Alberto Núñez sj, Lecturer in the Department of General Management and Strategy at ESADE, shared his life journey with our upper secondar...
Sarrià —
In January 2023, Barcelona was selected to be the first ever European Capital of Democracy, thanks to its excellence in democratic innova...
Sarrià —
In After-School Activities, we are launching two new workshops this year.
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The students of Tourism Accommodation Management concluded the first project of the course with oral presentations on creating a hotel pr...
Sarrià —
Thirty-one teachers from the Hvassaleitisskóli school located in Reykjavík, Iceland, visited us to learn about our pedagogical model for ...
Sarrià —
On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of October, the 2nd year Upper Secondary students presented their Research Projects (TdR) orally. Th...
Sarrià —
🍄 Discovering autumn at Nursery 1! 🍁🎨These days at Nursery 1, we are immersing ourselves in the colours and wonders of autumn. Through pl...
Sarrià —
We are very excited to announce that this year Jesuïtes Sarrià - Sant Ignasi is part of the 48h Open House BCN festival program in the PR...
Sarrià —
With the participation of 46 junior student ambassadors, 5 senior student ambassadors and 5 educators, we have now inaugurated the second...