The Primary charter school in Poble-sec

We explore the world's challenges with students.


We develop the autonomy of our students

We spark the initiative of students to encourage critical skills and a curious attitude. We promote these values throughout their lives.

How we implement our Horitzó+ educational project

We teach students to think in order to act. We promote the creative capacity of students throughout the whole stage. We put them at the centre of situations that generate questions that they must solve. We accompany children as they discover their relational, observational and conflict resolution skills. We develop student autonomy through methodologies that pose new challenges.

Our team

We are passionate about teaching.

Passion and enthusiasm drive us to support the educational community throughout their school experience. From beginning to end.

Our Jesuïtes Poble-sec - Col·legi Sant Pere Claver teachers are skilled professionals in the human and academic fields: in new technologies, with dual qualifications and multilingual.

Carles Mesa, director de Primària de Jesuïtes Poble-sec

Teaching team

We innovate and create together with a team of teachers who know the students and who explore the classroom to the full, evaluating and accompanying the students every day. This proximity makes Escola Jesuïtes Poble-sec - Col·legi Sant Pere Claver a large family where knowledge, involvement and esteem are at their best. A great team at a close-knit school.

Equip pri 24-25

Child and adolescent counselling team

We follow the students' school journey throughout their entire experience through direct observation in the classroom. We prevent, detect, advise, guide and help students through the Psychological Counselling Department in our charter school.

Alumnes i equip d'orientacio psicopedagogica de l'escola Jesuites Poble-sec

Lunchtime and after-school team

The monitoring and teaching team work together. We integrate them within each stage, personalizing learning beyond educational training. We help students grow with our own concepts.

Equip Esp Migdia 24-25

Our services

Services for children and families at our school.

Morning drop-off

Balance work and school with our drop-off service from 8 am to 9 am. You can use the service regularly or just whenever you might need to (with advance notice the day before). Playing in the playground, relaxing while painting, a karaoke session... How do you want them to start their day?

Midday space

We prepare a menu checked by nutritionists and dieticians to improve the combination of dishes and varieties. The children acquire healthy habits at the table thanks to the support of the monitoring team. In P3, they have a short nap before continuing with the day.

Family service

We facilitate communication with families through: a telephone service for families during school hours, the laNET platform to access information and activities during the school year, and a mobile application to access information and services about the Col·legi Jesuïtes Poble-sec.

Technology education

We accompany students in their learning and awareness of the proper use of the digital world. A space where they experience and develop their entrepreneurial skills. We complement the education of values with technology responsibility habits.

Summer camp

We promote recreational activities in the natural setting of Montjuïc to give continuity to the educational project during the summer. We open the summer camp to all children in the Poble-sec neighbourhood to encourage interaction and collaboration.

Our facilities and equipment

The places for enjoying school days in a natural environment

We enjoy the natural setting of Montjuïc mountain thanks to the strategic location of Escola Jesuïtes - Poble-sec. We transform facilities and physical spaces to meet the children's needs at all stages of their lives.

Get to know our facilities
Aules de primària de l'escola Jesuites Poble-sec
Pati dels alumnes de primaria de l'escola Jesuites Poble-sec
Aula artistica de primara de l'escola Jesuites Poble-sec
Gimnas de primaria de l'escola Jesuites Poble-sec

Extracurricular activities

Different activities designed for students at Jesuïtes Poble-sec - Col·legi Sant Pere Claver

"Enjoy doing" is our motto to promote the growth and all-round education of children. The extracurricular activities are part of the Informal Education Model (MENOF), which promotes student development.


We foster growth by promoting balance and harmony.


We develop the physical and emotional well-being of the children and help them improve their school performance and their relationship with their environment.

Extraescolar de natacio a les escoles de Jesuites Educacio


We combine the aquatic environment with personal development to improve their abilities.

Casal extraescolar de l'ESO de l'escola Jesuites Clot

Activity Centre

Values are very important for learning to relate to the environment.

Find out about our Primary School courses

The choice of school is a key decision for children's development. We open our doors to show you how we are and what we do. Arrange a personal interview or visit us at the open day. We will wait for you!

Fill out the form and we will contact you.

Contact details of the father/mother
Student data
Course details