TransparencyCompliance with the regulations at Jesuïtes Poble-sec


Transparency of Jesuïtes Poble-sec

We ensure compliance with privacy and security regulations

The Jesuïtes Poble-sec school is part of the Jesuïtes Educació network and take special care to comply with current legislation affecting students and the professional community.

Code of ethics

We have internal management policies to guarantee transparency and good practices at the Foundation. As an entity of the Society of Jesus, the Fundació Jesuïtes Educació subscribes to and integrates the code of conduct of the Society of Jesus in Spain. The code contains the appropriate methods of proceeding to fulfil the obligations of the entity, due to institutional commitment, by law or by own will, as well as a set of values and principles to guide the conduct of all staff and collaborators of the Fundació Jesuïtes Educació.

Regulatory compliance

The Fundació Jesuïtes Educació has developed and approved a regulatory compliance manual that contains a series of protocols to prevent and detect situations of criminal risk in the entity, such as corruption, internal fraud or other fraudulent practices.

It has also appointed a person responsible for regulatory compliance (compliance officer) who carries out the independent function of identifying, evaluating, preventing and reporting on the possible risks arising from non-compliance with the regulatory framework and the code of ethics applicable to the Foundation.

Should you wish to make an enquiry, suggestion or complaint, please contact:


The Fundació Jesuïtes Educació has appointed a data protection officer who you can contact to communicate any issue related to the Foundation's treatment of your data or to exercise your rights with respect thereto:

The Fundació Jesuïtes Educació is committed to the health and well-being of its educators, students and families. We strive to improve the safety of the members of our community, as well as the facilities. That is why we have a health and well-being policy with a steadfast mission and commitment to the prevention of occupational risks.

The Fundació Jesuïtes Educació declares its commitment to setting and developing policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the basis of gender, as well as to fostering and promoting measures to achieve real equality within the organization.


At Jesuïtes Educació schools there is sound leadership to ensure a safe environment for minors and vulnerable people as well as for educators. The application of preventive measures in all areas, both educational and architectural or in the creation of guides and protocols, makes us pioneers when it comes to guaranteeing people's rights. Since 2012, meticulous work has been carried out to offer a protective space to minors, promoting the dignity and empowerment of children and the awareness and commitment of adults. At Jesuïtes Educació we have zero tolerance for child and adolescent sexual harassment.

For any information or clarification, you can contact the head of Entorno Seguro, Laura Delgado or email


Quality in internal management: the schools are managed based on criteria of compliance with regulatory requirements, commitment to people and good organizational functioning. We work with continuous improvement criteria, striving for efficiency and excellence. Audits and advice are carried out in all areas of the schools (management audits, financial audits, data protection audits, prevention, safe environment) and evaluations are performed to ensure alignment with the foundational and identity objectives (evaluations between schools, apostolic evaluation). We strive for quality professional management at the service of the educational project.

We are at the disposal of educators, students and families who wish to report any case of sexual abuse or harassment, inside or outside the classroom.

Reports should be made to the email address to manage any incident, current or past, and take the appropriate action.

The data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality in order to ensure the integrity of the complainant.
Should you wish to make an enquiry, suggestion or complaint, please contact:

We share the school's annual report. We believe in an open and transparent management of our activity.


Memoria anual de la Fundacio de Jesuites Educacio