March 10th, 2025

We celebrate International Women's Day

8th March, International Women's Day, gives us a new opportunity to mobilise for equality and for a society free of discrimination. Working for gender equality is part of the apostolic preferences and Global Citizenship proposed by the Society of Jesus.

dia de la dona - sant ignasi

At the school we work for change and change is education. To mark Women's Day, at all ages of the school we have run a variety of activities:

In Early Childhood we have worked on the story Extraordinary Women and discussed it. In Initial Primary we have looked at Women's Day and its importance and we have also talked about attitudes and actions in the daily life of children where there should be gender equality.

In Primary Years 5 and 6, at the start of the day we have drawn on InfoK reports to learn about significant women of today and the origins and symbols of Women's Day.

In Lower Secondary Year 1, we have examined stereotypes through several short videos and we will continue with the topic in the Take your Time space throughout the week. Lower Secondary Year 2students have watched and worked on the documentary No More Matildas about women and science.

The Ambassador students of the EPAS (European Parliament Ambassador Schools) in Lower Secondary Year 4 have led various activities that they have prepared for TQE students.

In Upper Secondary and Professional Studies, there have also been numerous activities across various areas.