February 19th, 2024

Team GreenPIN: Sustainable packaging campaign

All of Year 3 Primary, students and teachers, are the GREENPIN team.

We have been given an assignment from the headmaster, Josep Maria Ramón, and we take it very seriously. Care of our Common Home is the responsibility of everyone who lives on the planet; that's why we, the GREENPIN team, are doing small actions like the sustainable packaging campaign, to raise awareness and improve our habits to be more sustainable, getting closer to zero waste, encouraging more conscious consumption and, at the same time, making healthier breakfasts.

We also want to be transmitters of this message so that it spreads like an oil slick and so that the educators and families of Sant Ignasi also become agents of change.

Educators and families of Sant Ignasi, can you help us?

In October, we made an initial diagnosis: on three non-consecutive days we logged the amount and types of wrappers we bring for breakfast. Here is the poster with the results.

Afterwards, each class analysed the results, reflecting on them, thinking about what we could improve and considering possible actions to achieve this.

With the ideas collected from the different classes, we drew up an action plan with the following goals:

  • Increase the use of sustainable wrappers up to 70% (on average). Minimum of 60% in any class.
  • Reduce aluminium foil to 10% of non-reusable packaging (currently 24%).
  • Reduce non-compostable wrappers (industrial pastries and juices) up to 10%, making breakfasts healthier.

To help achieve the challenges we have set for ourselves, we have been given boc'n rolls, but most of all we need your help, families! Here are some ideas:

  • Reduce or avoid buying products with individual wrappers or in small packages.
  • Prepare varied and healthy breakfasts. We avoid industrial pastry, which is not good for us, and often comes in non-compostable wrappers.
  • Use different reusable packaging: lunchbox, tupperware, boc'n roll, etc. Never use aluminium foil!
  • We can bring a use a cloth napkin if necessary.
  • At school, we drink water from our reusable bottle. If we want to bring milk or fresh juice, it could be in another reusable bottle.

In the 3rd term, we will take another log of the wrappers to see whether our habits have improved. We'll let you know the results. We're sure to surpass our goals!

Thank you very much!


greenpin sant ignasi