We are offering training in robotics for our Kindergarten and 1st and 2nd Primary teachers with the aim of promoting and expanding the digital skills of teachers in order to enrich and expand knowledge in technology and digitization among students.
This year, Sant Ignasi is implementing STEAM training for its students at all stages of their education:
● In Kindergarten, extensions have been made to the area of free creation, guided creation and guided construction with Lego Duplo and Classic Lego. This includes initiation in educational robotics Blue-Bot and Bee-Bot without Bluetooth connection.
● Primary school now includes an additional hour per week dedicated to computational thinking, on top of the annual hours dedicated to structures and free construction with Trigones, Kapla and Mekaniko.
● In High School, more hours have been added in the school year, depending on the grade, to be dedicated to the development of computational thinking and makerspace activities.
The education department has the responsibility of promoting sustainable development to transform our world. The technological environment has an impact on the following:
- Health and wellness:Technology safety standards provide a framework for promoting safety and setting guidelines for its safe use in the classroom.
- Quality education: Certifying a high level ICT skills works towards achieving universal and meaningful connectivity.
- Gender equality: Achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. Gender equality, in addition to being a human right, is a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. It is essential to increase girls' participation in digital technology.